Design Tokens

Design tokens are a great way to keep components and CSS flexible, and highly modifiable. It stops you repeating code across the site, abstracting common properties like colours, backgrounds, fonts, sizing etc.

The best way to see how design tokens work, is for us to jump right in!

// prettier-ignore
const theme = {
breakpoints: {
md: '48em',
lg: '68em',
colors: {
primary: '#ff00ff',
light: '#ffffff',
dark: '#252525',
fonts: {
base: 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
serif: 'Georgia, serif',
sizeScale: {
300: '0.8rem',
400: '1rem',
500: '1.25rem',
600: '1.56rem',
700: '1.95rem',
800: '2.44rem',
900: '3.05rem',

module.exports = {
theme: theme,
tokens: {
bg: {
items: theme.colors,
property: 'background',
color: {
items: theme.colors,
property: 'color',
variable: true,
font: {
items: theme.fonts,
property: 'font-family',
variable: true,
'gap-top': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'margin-top',
'gap-bottom': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'margin-bottom',
leading: {
items: {
tight: '1.2',
mid: '1.5',
loose: '1.7',
property: 'line-height',
measure: {
items: {
long: '75ch',
short: '60ch',
compact: '40ch',
property: 'max-width',
'pad-top': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'padding-top',
'pad-bottom': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'padding-bottom',
'pad-left': {
items: theme.sizeScale,
property: 'padding-left',
size: {
items: theme.sizeScale,
variable: true,
text: {
items: theme.sizeScale,
responsive: true,
property: 'font-size',
weight: {
items: {
light: '300',
regular: '400',
mid: '600',
bold: '700',
property: 'font-weight',
variable: true,

You can learn more about the tokens properties, such as property, responsive, variable and items.